"The Meanest Damn Poon Ever!"



Frequently Asked Questions

1. What's new in HC2002 GOLD, compared to HC 97?

2. System Specs: What works and what won't

3. Using the Scenario Converter

4. Using the Platform Editor

5. How do I report bugs or unusual game behavior?

1. What's new in HC2002 GOLD, compared to HC 97

This list highlights some of the major changes you will find in HC2002 GOLD but is by no means comprehensive.

  • Platform Editor added:  First ever in the 14 years of the Harpoon Classic Series
  • Database updated using best sources, primarily Larry Bond's H4 annexes
  • New BattlesSets Added: EC2003 (uses the new DB) and resurrected the USNI BattleSet
  • Scenario Converter:  Converts original and user-created EC2000 scenarios to EC2003
  • New Orders Utility: makes adding orders to user-created scenarios a breeze
  • SE Repeat Patrol and Repeat attack fixed (had been disabled in most versions)
  • Message Log added as new window
  • AI now more aggressive, particularly for subs and aircraft
  • HARM/ARM code: No more H/ARM-ing a ship or airfield to death! Many changes here.
  • SAM code: Enhanced "per target" missile allocation model; Variable ROF for Player
  • Land/Sea/Surf Weapons:  Introduces "ships" and "land" only target classes
  • Simultaneous, Multi-axis attacks enabled for air and sea AI
  • Sonar model:  Vastly improved detection algorithm
  • Electronic Warfare model improved
  • Aerial Refueling problems fixed
  • Weather report time display fixed with game consequences for daylight/night

***** To purchase a copy of HC2002 GOLD, please visit:


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2. System specs: What works and what won't

HC2002 GOLD will run on:

  • Windows 95 all variants (even without Internet Explorer) [tested Win95 original, 95b, 95c]
    • minimum of 32MB RAM if possible, though 16MB can work.  If you have virus scanners and other clutter, double or triple that amount.
  • Windows 98 all variants [tested 98 upgrade, 98 original, 98se]
    • minimum of 32MB RAM if possible, though 16MB can work.  If you have virus scanners and other clutter, double or more that amount.
  • Windows ME (ME's reputation aside, it does run HC2002 GOLD just fine, thank you!)
    • minimum 64MB RAM, double or more if possible.
  • Windows NT 4 all variants (tested on sp3 and sp6a)
    • minimum 64MB, double or more if possible (use common sense, a bit more may be needed if you are running Exchange server on the same machine...)
  • Windows 2k all variants (tested on original, sp1, sp3, workstation, server...no, we didn't test on DataCenter version)
    • minimum 64MB RAM, double to be reasonble, triple or better is ideal.
  • Windows XP all variants (tested on Home, Pro, Server release candidate 2)
    • miminmum 128MB RAM, double if you ever want to accomplish anything; 1GB to be happy.

HC2002 GOLD Platform Editor has been run on:

  • Access 97
  • Access 97 Runtime
  • Access 2000
  • Access XP


  • The Platform Editor (PE) requires the MS Text ISAM be installed to import and export properly. If not already installed, the ISAM can be installed via your MS Office Installation CD.
  • If you can run Windows 95 (or newer), you can almost certainly run HC 2002 Gold.  How fast it will run is up to your system specs.
  • HC 2002 Gold may run on x86 Unix/Linux machines running newish versions of WINE. HC2002 ran ok on RedHat with WINE, HC Gold likely will too.

HC 2002 GOLD will not run on:

  • Windows 3.1x or older will not run the game (with the possible exception of a thorough win32s configuration).
  • Windows NT 3.x probably will not run the game but we haven't tried.
  • Mac OS of any type will currently not run the game without an x86 emulator.
  • Non-x86 instruction set based machines will not run the game unless you have a good x86 emulator (bochs anyone?).

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3. Using the Scenario Converter

First, copy the four pairs of  RES/RSR files for EC2000 (hdsd, hdse, hdsf, hdsg) from your hard drive or HC97 CD-ROM to  your HC2002 GOLD root directory. Then:

a) The "Read-Only" attribute of the above files may need removal. Right-click their icons to reveal PROPERTIES. Uncheck the "Read-Only" tick box if checked.

b) Start HC2002 GOLD

c) Use the Battlesets button to find your HC2002 GOLD root directory if it isn't already pointing there

d) Locate the commondb.res file in your HC2002 GOLD root directory, double click on it and return to normal game play. Then exit the Game Engine.

At this point you should be able to run the Scenario Converter and bring any EC2000 Scenario up to the EC2003 format, enabling you to apply the upgraded database. Try it out, and please let us know how it goes.

Note: The scenario you are looking to convert must be present in the HC2002 GOLD root directory. Please copy it (and any others you want to convert for now) from it's existing location, and paste into the game root directory, before trying to start the Scenario Converter.

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4. Using the Platform Editor

Please see the PE User's Guide for how to edit and export data back to the Game Engine and Scenario Editor.

If editing the databse interests appeals to you, a beautifully formatted and comprehensive Database Worksheet has been prepared by Joseph Lanza.

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5. How do I report bugs or unusual game behavior?

We hope this won't happen with any frequency. But if you do encounter an error, please follow the procedure below.

While this shouldn't be as involved as reporting a traffic incident, the more detail you provide the team, the better we can help you. The Development Team will review your report. A solution or explanation will then be offered, unless the game log and saved game are needed for further review.  If this is the case, a team member will give you an address to which you can forward your files. Please include the following imformation in your report

    a) Windows version
    b) HC2002 Gold version (check the about box for build date)
    c) Whether you were using an official HC2002 commondb
    d) Which battleset you were in (i.e., EC2003, HDSII, GIUK)
    e) Which scenario is causing the trouble
    f) Any error message you received
    g) Steps we should take to reproduce the event
    h) Your system specifications

Post your report to the Harpoon Classic 2002 Gold Support List at HGSL@teuton.org or the HULL, HULL@teuton.org, and we will reply as soon as time permits. Please identify the game component affected in the subject line of your email (GE for Game Engine, SC for Scenario Converter, PE for Platform Editor, SE for Scenario Editor, DB for Database issues).

Note: The HGSL and HULL mailing lists do not accept attachments. If you have a saved game, log, screenshot, or other file, please post a message to one of the lists about it. A  Development Team member will then post an email address you can use.

To subscribe to the HGSL, please visit:   



To subscribe to the HULL, please visit:   


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Bruce Fenster and Tony Eischens

HC2002 GOLD Development Team

Rev 2.01       October 2003


Last Update - February 2, 2008 10:13 PM

Copyright - HarpoonPages.com

Harpoon (and all game variations), Staff Assistant and Battle Set are Registered Trademarks of Larry Bond and Chris Carlson - licensed to AGSI.

All versions of Computer Harpoon (C) 2003 AGSI.